The Rock Allegiance Tour is a new tour package this year featuring a bunch of old
friends and touring mates. It also features quite a bit of familiar “radio
hits” for a rock show. Papa Roach is one band responsible many of them. Jacoby
and the boys are co-headlining the tour with Buckcherry. I was fortunate to
catch lead guitarist Jerry Horton in between a meet and greet with fans and
dinner at a show in Winston Salem, NC recently. Jerry caught me up to speed
with the goings on in the world of Papa Roach.
Hey Jerry, thanks again for taking the time this afternoon to talk to us. I know things have been a little hectic with the meet and greet and sound check and
everything. I am sure that not every day on the tour is this hectic. How have
things been so far?
Yeah, today has been a little hectic! I just met someone at the meet and greet who is coming to see us seven shows in a row. That’s amazing! The tour has been going really well and we have been playing to about 5000-6000 fans each night. We’re good
friends with all the bands on the tour and it’s been a lot of fun. This is the
first time that we have actually been able to have a set on stage too. The
feedback is that overall; it’s a really good show.
You guys are still touring off of Time for Annihilation. Have you begun to look forward to the next album?
Oh yeah,this is the last tour for this record cycle and we are going to take a month
off and start writing for the new record. We will probably take about six
months to write and record this time. We usually take about three months for
the entire process, but we’re going to take our time and make sure everything
is right.
Do you have a time frame that you are shooting for as far as a release goes?
We are hoping to have it out by fall of next year. That’s what we are shooting for.
This tour is a new package deal this year. Do you have any say so on a package like this or do you just go where the suits tell you to?
We have a little say so on something like this. There are the people who own the rights to the name of the tour and they did approach us and asked for our input on who should be on it. I think this tour is an amazing package; there are a ton of
radio hits up and down the entire package.
You guys are alternating with Buckcherry on closing the show each night, so you guys both get an hour. How tough is it to pick a set list when you only have that short of an amount of time?
It’s basically all of the radio songs; that’s what it ends up being with a short set
like that. Obviously, it’s a lot better when we have time to do a full set, but
it is what it is.
You guys tour like crazy when you release an album and you seem to stay on the road forever. What are the best and worst parts of being on the road?
The best part is the show and the worst part is being away from family.
What about the food? You guys seem to be in great shape and that has to be tough with eating on the road.
Yeah, the food can be quite treacherous at times. You have to try and be choosey, but
it’s not always an easy thing to do. I have a weakness for cheesecake and
Reeses peanut butter cookies. I definitely need to stay away from the dessert
You have been out with Buckcherry several times in the past and there seems to be a great family type atmosphere to things. What’s it like being out with those guys?
We’re all really good friends and get along great. It’s funny because we keep saying that we all wouldn’t mind not seeing each other for a while. We do love being on the
road with them, but it would be nice to tour with someone else (laughs) for a
I have a few questions that the fans sent me to ask you. What’s your favorite 80s metal/rock album?
That’s a really tough one. I would probably have to go with Metallica And Justice for All. That’s the album that got me into playing guitar.
Favorite guitarist?
I can’t name just one. If I had to pick a couple it would have to be James Hetfield and Jimi Hendrix.
Favorite drummer?
I would have to go with Abe (Cunningham) from the Deftones.
Most underrated band of any era?
Kings X, without a doubt. I have a funny story about Doug (Pinnick) from Kings X. We played at this place called Warehouse Live in Houston and our tour manager was outside where everyone was lined up. He did like a double take and saw Doug in line for the show. They know each other and he yelled at him and asked him what he was doing and Doug said, ‘I’m going to a rock show!’ Then our manager jerked him out of line and let him in. He was just going to buy a ticket like an average Joe and see us play. That was a huge honor for us!
What about any guilty pleasures that you can share?
I am obsessed with cars to the point that it’s like porn for me. I can tell you just
about anything about the. I’m a gear head because my dad did drag racing when I
was younger and it just worked its way into my brain.
If the band gave you the chance to cover any song on the next album, what would you choose to do?
We have talked about this before. We have tossed around the idea of covering “Thunder
and Lightning” by Thin Lizzy. I think I need to learn that solo in order for
that to happen. John Sykes is a force to be reckoned with.
Wow, that would definitely be awesome to hear. I hope you get that solo nailed so that it sees the light of day. I guess we should wrap this up now so that you guys can get ready. Thanks again for your time Jerry. I can’t wait to see you guys tear it up tonight!